Page 10 - Logistics News - May June 2022
P. 10

                                                            Data – the food

                                                            Da       t  a – the f                  ood
                                                                or y
                                                              for your supply

                                                                    chain growth

                                                                          By Arno Meyer and
                                                                              Aveshin Reddy

               How supply chain analytics can help companies build more efficient operations and save time
               and money.

                          ay Bear was quoted saying: “We are surrounded   A supply chain has a domino effect: each step in the
                          by data but starved for insights.” Although data   network affects the one after it, and any issues at any
                     Jis not a novel concept, it is recognised as a critical   stage can have an impact on the ability to meet customer
                     component of digital transformation. Data holds the key   expectations. Supply chains involve a wide range of
                     to achieving incredible breakthroughs in supply chain   activities, people and businesses, resulting in massive
                     management if wielded by a knowledgeable expert.   data generation. This is where supply chain analytics
                                                                   enters the picture.
                        Supply chain management is widely recognised as a
                     critical piece of the puzzle for business success because it   Analysing the data
                     directly affects the ability to provide a positive customer   Supply chain analytics is the analysis of data drawn
                     experience while accounting for many expenses that   from various supply chain applications, such as supply
                     affect overall profitability.                 chain execution systems for procurement, inventory
                                                                   management, order management, warehouse management
                        Businesses are looking for ways to make processes   and fulfilment, and transportation management (including
                     faster, cheaper and easier along the lengthy path from   shipping). Furthermore, supply chain analytics can
              L O GI S T I CS NEWS  important because supply chains have become   dashboards, reports and visualisations that influence
                                                                   transform vast amounts of data into easily digestible
                     raw materials suppliers to end users. This is especially
                     increasingly complex over time – companies are working
                                                                   crucial decisions and lead to better outcomes.
                     with expanding international partners and facing the
                     intensifying pressure to deliver their products as quickly
                                                                      This provides employees with a comprehensive view
                     as possible.
                                                                   of the logistics network and allows them to comprehend

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