Page 9 - Logistics News - December 2021
P. 9


            Training is a digital transformation must. In   Spending and innovation
          software use, there is software system admin, but just   •  31 percent of businesses wish to diversify – investing in
          as important is to expose implementing suppliers   new technology.
          to your business. They must understand the generic   •  70 percent committed to starting or optimising
          traits of your industry, but salespeople/executives/  application of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and
          implementation teams must get into the trench   business intelligence (BI).
          together with customer teams – to succeed, you are   •  58 percent are earmarking the importance of business IT
          interdependent. Have customers lead suppliers around   for future recovery.
          their operations to see/hear/touch/smell/taste what   But,
          matters. And customers, you must pay as it fuels a   •  65 percent fund investments out of their own pocket.
          performing team.                              •  65 percent prefer traditional cost cutting to fund
          Chief financial officer (CFO)
          In Nairobi, with the Institute of Certified Public   Whilst Kenyan CFOs hunger for diversification/
          Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) – Kenya CFOs and   investment in digital transformation, having to use their
          accountants, we presented our Industry 4.0 regional   own funds they stick to cost cutting, downsizing, etc.
          research into manufacturing/distribution companies   So, funding fueled survival, not economic revival as the
          during the COVID-19 period – findings which may apply   government hoped. Value-add reduced 0.1 percent in
          globally.                                     2020/21compared to 2.5 percent growth in 2019

          Recovery                                      Supply chain
          • 7 percent of companies say they’re fully recovered.  •  77 percent suffered delays in global and local supply.
          • 51 percent said full recovery by end 2022.     This impacted Kenya’s dominant food and beverage
          •  36 percent said recovery will only be 2023 and beyond.  industry, as well as sectors like fabricated metals,
                                                        automotive supply and other manufacturers.
          Trading conditions
          •  50 percent believe conditions are fair – meaning doing   The ‘Covid business disease’ appears to be companies
           ok, not thriving.                            sticking to continuous improvement (renovation) of
          • 1 percent said they are thriving.           existing processes, rather than step change (innovation)
                                                        where more sophisticated technologies are introduced to
            Although 50 percent seem ok, all companies had   reengineer supply chains, add e-commerce and predictive
          to weather economic slowdown, some due to measures   functions like AI/ML or to simply optimise planning and
          instigated to curb COVID-19 spread like lockdowns,   execution. This is strange for Kenya, which is renowned
          restricted movement, etc. But management time is   for trading entrepreneurialism and application of
          available in slack times, so moving up the digital curve is   technology and is always trying to lead.
          a real opportunity – was this competitive move to come
          out of COVID-19 running missed?                  If Kenya, the brightest star in Africa, has CIOs/CFOs
                                                        keen to innovate with technology like ERP, but not able to
          Funding assistance – at hand, or is it?       execute adequately due to funding and COVID-19 mitigation
          Europe/USA-linked companies received assistance from   constraints, other African economies, including South Africa,
          their principals. Government assisted by reducing tax   may come out of COVID-19 in truly bad shape
          and structural reforms, but the research showed:
          • 51 percent received no direct funding.         We’re all part of the same world, but just like   L O GI S T I CS NEWS
          • 38 percent benefited from tax deductions only.  COVID-19 vaccination inequity, funding inequity may be
          • 13 percent benefited from stimulus packages.  slowing Africa – let’s change that. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                            NO V E MB E R/D E C E MB E R 2021  7
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